- Name Article: Topics of the Times
- Author: Unknown
- Year: 25 November 1955
- Published in: The New York Times
- Location: New York

Topics of the Times published in The New York Times – Friday, November 25, 1955
A 1955 New York Times article on Solitaire provides some unique insights about Solitaire from the era. Richard Canfield is said to have never played the game.
“Canfield was named for Dick Canfield who operated casinos in New York Saratoga. Canfield himself never played the game, feeling the odds were too much against him. However, he introduced that enemy of the solitaire player, the kibitzer – his croupiers who never interfered or offered suggestions but merely watched to see that players in his casino weren’t cheating”
“The names of two of the most popular ones are often confused and used interchangeably. Klondike is a hangover of course from the days of the Alaska gold rush.”
Note: the gold rush he is referring to happened in the Klondike region of Canada, also known as the Yukon or Yukon Gold Rush. The Alaskan gold rush happened a few years later in Nome, Alaska.