- Name Book: Illustrated Games of Patience
- Author: Lady Cadogan
- Year: 1874
- Location: London, United Kingdom

Illustrated Games of Patience by Lady Cadogan first edition published in 1874
Lady Cadogan was a noblewoman who was born in 1820 in England. It’s said she was the first, who wrote a book on Solitaire in English. The book became a bestseller and up to today, new editions are still printed and successfully sold.
The original book describes 24 different variants of Patience games with mainly French names:
- La Belle Lucie
- Le Cadran
- La Quinzaine
- La Loi Salique
- Les Quatre Coins
- Le Moulin
- Le Shah
- Le Blocus
- L’Horloge
- La Forteresse
- Les Quatorze
- Le Sultan
- Le Calcul
- La Nivernaise
- The Empress of India
- The Besieged City
- Le Parterre
- Les Hémisphères
- Les Petits Paquets
- Le Carre Napoleon
- la Duchesse de Luynes
- The British Constitution
- The Zodiac
- Sympathie
It’s very likely that also Lady Cadogan adopted many games, if not all from the French book Le Livres des Patiences.