- Name Book: Neuer Spiel-Almanach fürs Jahr 1798
- Author: Ceafar
- Year: 1798
- Location: Berlin, Germany

Neuer Spiel-Almanach fürs Jahr 1798 by Ceafar
The Neuer Spiel-Almanach fürs Jahr 1798 is a game rule book very similar to Das neue königliche l’Hombre. The book is written by an author named Ceafar and contains the most well-known games played in that period of time. “Das Patiencespiel” is described precisely how it was initially published in Das Neue königliche l’Hombre.
On page 172, we first find the description of Kleines Patience, followed by Grosses Patience on page 173.

It’s very likely that a lot of the games in this book are directly copied from Das Neue königliche l’Hombre since Das Cabalespiel, which can also be seen as a sort of solitaire game, was added in the book. (page174)