- Name Book: The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins (Fourth edition)
- Author: Robert Hendrickson
- Year: 2008
- Publisher: Facts on File
- Location: New York, USA

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins (Fourth edition)
Robert Hendrickson
In “The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins” Robert Hendrickson presents definitions and origins of more than 15,000 words and expressions.
About Canfield:
“Lonely people playing Solitaire can at least have the company of Richard C Canfield (1855-1941) for this American gambler invented the world’s most popular game of solitaire one summer toward the end of the 19th century during breaks from the gaming tables at the fashionable resort of Saratoga Springs New York. Canfield based his new game, named Canfield after himself, on the solitaire game called Klondike, which gold miners in Alaska had invented a few decades before”
The wrong name and year of death are probably due to carelessness. The rest of the information may be correct but in order to judge that we need to investigate the sources of Robert Hendrickson.